How Do I Stop Being A Victim!

How do I stop being a victim?

I mean have you ever had one of those days where everything is going the wrong way? Where things are falling off as you’re trying to reach for them. Your projects and your business are just not going the way that you want them to go. Perhaps the meeting that you had that you were hoping for to go really well, went really badly. Have you ever felt like that?

And inevitably sometimes you know we have a tendency of thinking, “Well why is this happening to me?” And that goes in a little bit of us becoming a victim, and really feeling sorry for ourselves. So, it’s really important to get increasingly good at preventing ourselves going downwards in this downwards spiral, of becoming a victim, and knowing how to pick ourselves up. And really empower ourselves to thinking, “What can I do from here? What can I do for my day to go better, to improve? For this week to turn around, and actually finish with a strong note.”

So, how do you stop being a victim? I have two pieces of advice that I always give to myself and others. Number one, what are you grateful for? You see, as you put yourself in a state of gratitude, and you list only three things that you’re massively grateful for, and really start thinking about them, you change your energy. You change your state, and therefore you rephrase from, “Why is this happening to me?” Into, “Wow I’m so grateful. I’m so really, really grateful, and blessed for who I am, and the situation that I found myself.” And you know gratitude is the first step.

Then the next step is asking the best question, so, “How can I achieve the opposite?” You know, if something bad just happened, ask yourself, “How can I improve this? How can I get out of this situation?” Look for the solution. Focus yourself around being really solution and result oriented. And when you do that, inevitably you refocus your mind on creativity, and helping your mind to find a solution out of it.

So, if you’re feeling like a victim perhaps, and you’re having a bad day, get massively grateful, and ask yourself, “How can I improve this?” And I believe literally within a second or two, you will feel different, you will go actually on a different path, and in this way become very productive and have a different day, even a different week, or a different month.