“But I Am Not Like That”

Have you ever had haters writing to you, or perhaps messaging you on social media, and you’re quietly thinking to yourself, “But I’m not like that. How can I give this impression to people, and why are they attacking me?”

You really need to get out of that immediately and ask yourself, “Why is this person actually doing that?”. So rather than going into blaming yourself, or starting to get into the victim mentality of “Why is this happening to me?” you maybe need to start to quickly separate, and ask yourself, “What is causing this person to react like this?” So rather than reacting back and really responding badly to this person, I think it’s really helpful to sometimes just stop and say to ourselves, “You know what? I’m not actually like that,” and really knowing deep inside yourself that you have a core belief around bringing value to the marketplace, around helping your team to succeed, and perhaps becoming the best you can be.

When you have clarity, pausing and taking a step back, around who you are, and what your intent is, and what your intentions are, then I think there’s no doubt, no matter what comes at you, what haters are writing about you, what people are speaking about you, that can all fall away. When that happens to me, for a split second, sometimes I’m thinking, “But I’m not like that,” and I go into the victim mode, but I remind myself quickly that I can do something about it, and so I go and help someone, and go and ask people, “How can I serve you? How can I help you more?” I reach out to my team members and say, “What can we do to get you to the next goal?”

So when you’re in action, actually doing things with people, and taking action, and helping your team to succeed, no matter what comes at you, will not get you to question whether you’re like that or not. Hopefully, that really helps you, it increases your self-esteem and self-confidence for you to take more action and succeed faster.