How To Scale Your Network Marketing Business To 6-Figures Using The Leverage Of A Team System

6 Figure Circle


The Goal

6 Figure Income

What is it?

A 12-month INTENSE IMPLEMENTATION program that includes both content as well as 1-on-1 mentorship, coaching and accountability. Plus access to several proprietary technologies that will help you implement systems for your team and help you scale your income.


Course Length

12 Months

Who is it for?

Ambitious network marketing leaders who want to create more time, freedom and 6 figures annually in their business. You can be; Just starting out in a network marketing business and want to go AS FAST AS POSSIBLE or perhaps you have already created a small team of people and have been building for a couple of years.


Course Format


Where does it happen?

The online content portion will have you go through 19 missions (think 007 missions as a secret agent). This high level content is never shared anywhere else. Content is accompanied by your weekly online coaching calls and ongoing conversation via email, Messenger, and Workplace. 

How does it work?

In the 6 Figure Circle program, Masa, Miguel and the Pyjama Bosses team use our own proprietary technologies, systems and strategies, combined with world-class coaching to help you build your 6 figure network marketing business, then scale and leverage for more income, time, and freedom..

When does it start?

It can start as soon as you want. Most people get started right away and get on the path towards duplication and momentum as soon as possible.

Why does it exist?

We felt there was something missing. You could get some software that would take ages to build pages, but your team couldn’t replicate it. We wanted to build an easy to use system that would not just help you but your team and also provide the coaching to get you to the 6 figure income level.

Here's How It Works

To SCALE your network marketing business to 6 figures, information won’t cut it – you need the environment

Proven Path To 6 Figures

We turned generic advice often given in network marketing about “just speak to more people” into a specific STEP by STEP process where you will work strategically to learn the skills and implement the systems to scale to 6 figures FAST.

Expert 1:1 Mentoring

Often it is not about what you need to learn next – but WHO you can ask for advice that is already experiencing the results that you are looking for. You will have access to accountability coaches and Masa & Miguel so you always have the CLARITY on what is NEXT in your business

Protective Community

Leadership can be a lonely place. We have leaders from many different countries, continents and network marketing companies who join this special group and at the core this is an extremely protective and supportive environment for you to be able to scale your business while not feeling ALONE again!

Paradigm Shift Through Systems

We engineered & developed several software platforms which are going to help you to create DUPLICATION and LEVERAGE in your business. These Systems are reserved for our private clients in 6 Figure Circle program!

Proven Results

…And we have now opened up applications to help a few more leaders to reach their goals & build a successful network marketing business in 2019!

Let Us Show You How


You must choose a path and stick with it – if you want to scale your income in your network marketing business FAST… Watch this video to learn how you choose ONE PATH.


It’s not just about how many people you prospect … it is also about how you actually prospect – watch this video to learn “how to play the game” to have an infinite source of prospects flowing to you.


Powerhouse Closing Strategy To Close More Business Builders – if you are looking for a way to close more business builders into your team, watch this video for this top earner’s hack and what it can do for you.


If you want to create massive duplication, then creating an AUTO-BAHN in your business is essential.

Listen to this video to learn what are the 3 important pillars to building an Auto-Bahn for your business.


You need to KNOW what is the exact process from going from where you are to 6 figures in your business. This is going to enable you to stop the trial and error and focus on PRODUCTIVITY. Watch this video to learn this process.


Often, we don’t ask the right question when we stumble upon a challenge. It is about asking the right questions. Watch this video to learn what are the questions you should be asking to get to 6 figures faster.

Here's A Summary Of Everything You Get

This is not your typical “course”. We provide you with everything you need to be successful.

6 Figure Circle