How many people do I have to speak to, to create a six-figure residual income in network marketing?

How many people do I have to speak to, to create a six-figure residual income in network marketing?

Well, that’s a great question. You see, a lot of times we think it is purely just a number’s game.

And so, we’re thinking about the number of people we should actually prospect or recruit in order to create a team and a distribution channel that’s going to give us a six-figure residual income in network marketing. And while that is partially true, it’s definitely not the full story.

You see, what everything comes down to, it really comes down to the quality of the people that you speak with. And then, how well they can duplicate what you’re doing.

So, the true story about six figure residual income in network marketing is all about how can you attract the right people and how you can actually find them. And then, how can you help them to start duplicating really fast so that you can get to your six-figure residual income fast?

So, for me, it’s more about marketing and knowing how to actually prospect and recruit the right people, which sites would actually know the right qualities that I’m looking for in people that I’m prospecting and recruiting.

Number two, knowing where I’m finding them, whether that’s on social media or creating a sophisticated marketing campaign, that’s a whole other story. And then, the other side of the coin, is really how do I engage these right people as they enter my organization, as they get excited about building the network marketing business with me?

How do I help them to actually duplicate what I’m doing? And I think that comes through real clarity and systems, being really simply set out to a few simple processes that you decide to do and teach within your team.

So, if you’re looking to create a six-figure residual income, number one, make sure you write down a few qualities of the people that you’re ready to prospect and think about how and where you can find them and then make sure you have systems in place that will help these people as soon as they get excited to start the business with you.