Duplication Has Been Figured Out

Duplication has been figured out. I mean it’s absolutely true. Sometimes we’re looking for this elusive duplication. We’re trying to figure it all out. We’re recruiting people, and then every 90 days, we’re looking at our organization and we’re wondering why duplication is not happening. If you think about it, duplication processes have already been figured out. I mean, today network marketing is a profession that is almost $200 billion annually in revenue.

Guess what? There’re certainly a few people who’re very successful, literally thousands and thousands of people around the world who are earning six and seven-figure incomes that have figured this duplication thing out. For me, when people ask me, “Well, Masa, I have challenges with duplication. How do I do it?” A part of that equation is just looking for a leader, looking for a mentor who’s already figured it out and following that.

For me, duplication is a set of processes. It’s having the clarity of what actually needs to happen for a person that comes into your network marketing business to be able to simply go ahead and do what you’re doing. The way that we started to learn about duplication is to look out for leaders in the profession who are getting extremely good results and look at their processes and start to implement them in our business.

One of the first processes, of course, we looked at how do these people recruit? Because while recruiting is not the only thing we should be focused on, it is the way we recruit that often breaks the duplication. Does that make sense? If you’re recruiting in a way that people literally turn around and think, “Wow! Masa and Miguel are so good, but I can’t do what they’re doing,” well, there you’re breaking your duplication before you even get a person started.

Duplication has already been figured out. If you’re looking for answers, number one, get around people who are actually already getting the results that you’re wishing. Like anything in success, you’ve got to find the people, get around them, and learn from them. Number two, figure out the processes and different things that you need to implement. For example, the recruiting process, maybe the advanced system, and many other things in your business so that you can start to get the duplication that you deserve.

Of course, for us, duplication has been responsible for 99% of all of our income earned over the last decade or so in network marketing. We’re so passionate about really making sure that everyone who comes into our organization and leaders that we work with, that they understand that it all starts with clarity and processes.

Duplication has already been figured out. If you’re looking to create a six and seven-figure income, make sure you start modelling people who’ve already got these results.