Why Is Your Morning Routine Setting You Up For Failure?

Now I’m sure you have heard a lot, that actually, what you do in your morning, is setting you up, for what you’re going to do the entire day. And not only that, what you do that day, setting you up for the entire week, and month, and year. So I’m sure you have heard, how important it is to have a solid morning routine.
Now I’m absolutely certain that the large majority of us, don’t have a morning routine that is setting us up for success. As I look at the last 12 years or so, that I have run my own business, I see my morning routine actually improves over the years, on and on and on. And that is, the awareness of having a morning routine, is the first step. So in the first thing in the morning, you don’t do absolutely anything but grab your phone, and start doing your business. Or perhaps, the first thing in the morning, you have no time and get straight into your daily chores and activities, probably, you’re not setting yourself up for maximum efficiency and achievement.

And so it’s really important that you understand, what you do in the mornings, is really going to set you up,  not just for the day, the entire week, month, and year. And this is especially important, if you’re somebody who is really planning, to take your network marketing business very seriously. Perhaps, transitioning from being part time, into being full time. This is where the actual morning routine impact really shows. So take this onboard, and I’m going to share with you, a couple of important things, that you need to do in the mornings. Now really importantly, set aside time for yourself. I believe this is at least an hour if not 90 minutes, where you’re going to do several things.

Number one, you’re going to take care of movement. It’s really important, if you’re not already moving, and you’re not doing some type of exercise, and it doesn’t need to be a HIIT session, where you’re really wearing yourself out. It could just be a morning walk with your family. It’s really important to have some movement.
The second thing that is really important, is to have some actual solitude and planning time. And this could be literally just ten, fifteen minutes, where perhaps you quiet your mind, maybe this is morning meditation and them some planning.  But it’s really important to set aside some time, for yourself before you get into all the electronics, and daily action taking. So we have movement, solitude and planning.
And the third one, that is really important is nutrition. And I know a lot of you are in great wellness and health companies, so this will come naturally. You know but make sure also, the breakfast that you’re having, the nutrition that you’re having, is actually setting you up for success. So if you’re covering these three areas, within an hour of you actually waking up, you’re going to be setting yourself up, for a much more efficient day.
So homework for you today, write a list of things, in the exact order that you’re going to be doing them, each and every single day. And start taking action, each and every single morning. Switch off your phone, get away from your phone, for the first hour and take action on this. I’m sure it’s going to improve your results, not just for this week, but the entire year.