Are you trying to communicate with your team effectively but you feel you are continuously repeating yourself, wasting time writing long emails or seeing your team getting distracted on social media?
In today’s video, I share the most effective way to communicate with your team – and why you should be doing that as well.
Most people miss the fact that effective communication increases the longevity of your residual income because it creates “the glue” – culture, belonging and community.
In today’s video we share the exact way we communicate with our team to stay effective and productive while creating an interactive environment, where people share and build a community. Learn about the technology we use to communicate with our team and 3 reasons why we do that!
If get value from what you learn, feel free to share it with anyone you think will benefit from it! Also, drop as a comment below if you found this video helpful to you and tell us what you learned from it today!
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Masa & Miguel
Pyjama Bosses
Email us with any questions: [email protected]
PS. If you want to learn more about communication with your team to create leverage, duplication and automation, check out our “Fast-Track to 6-Figure Online MLM” – today is the last day this program sells at $37 – we will be rasing the price soon 5 or 6 fold.