3 Steps To Build Instant Rapport

Have you asked yourself what are some of the best ways to build rapport with a brand new prospect? For example, on a three-way call or after an event, when they’ve just seen an opportunity presentation? Make sure to tune into today’s video, as I give you the three steps of how to form an effective rapport.

Hey, it’s Masa from Pyjama Bosses. And, in today’s video, I’m going to share with you how you can take three steps and build a very quick rapport with a brand new prospect. Like I said, you can use this process on a three-way call, as you are presented to a brand new prospect by one of your team members, and you’re helping them to answer some questions.

So, here’s the three specific steps. The first step is to compliment them. We all know that we like hearing good things about ourselves, and so, when you’re able to compliment a prospect straight away, you can easily form rapport. That is an icebreaker, so if you don’t know much about a prospect, then the best way to compliment them is to actually use the team member that you’re helping. Saying, “Peter, who is on the line here today, has told me so many great things about you. I’m really excited to talk with you.” Something generic like that will always open up the conversation and put the prospect at ease.

The second step after giving them a compliment is called fishing. Now fishing is all about really starting to understand how much do they know about your opportunity, starting to understand where they’re at, and what they like the most from what they have seen. So, if you’re on a three-way call, it is most probable that this prospect has been introduced to some of the information about your company, products, opportunity.

And so, the best way to fish for some information is saying things like, “Hey, from what you’ve seen so far, what is the best thing you have liked?” This starts an open-ended conversation. It gets the prospect to share with you, and that’s an opportunity for you to read in-between the lines where exactly they’re at, how much they already know, and where to pick up the conversation, so you’re leading it towards a decision on this three-way call.

So, the first step was complimenting. Second step was fishing, and then the third step after that, I call probing, and the probing step is like a direct step, where you’re really probing if they’re ready to get started. The best way to do that is actually going to the reason why they’re looking for an opportunity, or an income source, or a product that you’re actually distributing. So, what I say, usually is, “Hey, Mary,” if Mary’s the prospect. “Hey, Mary. What has you in a position looking for an additional income stream?/ Hey, Mary. What has you in a position of looking for better health choices?”

That is a very important thing to do, because you don’t just want to hear what they have heard from the information before getting on a three-way call, and what jumps out to them, but it’s also about why were they actually committed to look for? And, as we know, the reason why is always the reason somebody’s going to sign up, so building that rapport through these three simple steps of complimenting, fishing, and probing, you can actually strengthen the rapport before you start answering any questions. And, then of course, doing all the selling that we do on a three-way call to actually get a decision from a prospect and get them started in your business.

So, I hope this really helps you, and if you got some value, make sure you like this video and you share it with your team straight away, because three-way calls are some of the most under-utilized tools that we have in our network marketing business to create more success faster. But, if you’re one of those people who really want to create a six figure income, or even multiple six figure, or seven figure, then be sure to check out our training program called the 3 Way Call Master Code.

This is a three module training program, based on our 10 years experience, and we have included absolutely everything on how you can introduce a brand new prospect to your team leader, how as a team leader, you can actually answer some questions, and everything else to automating three-way calls. Be sure to check out the link that I’m going to give you right now and I will see you on the other side.